
DrawThis2.IO is a sequel to the famous word drawing and guessing game. You will find here a more advanced, stylish and friendly design compared to the previous version of the game.

The main task in Draw This 2 IO is to get score points for correct guessing and drawing of words in nouns. Here you can play solo for training, and you can immediately start playing with other players on the web. You can also create a personal room and invite your friends to it.

When you play with strangers on the web, it goes by the following schema. One player draws the word that DrawThis2IO asks him. You can chat with other players and guess together, and yet you will need to write a word that the presenter wants to tell you. If you guessed it right, it means you will get the score points. And the presenter gets his points only if at least someone guessed it.

For drawing in DrawThis.IO 2, there is a wide range of tools. Compared with the first version, the game has become significantly easier, faster and more enjoyable. Now there is little less time for explanation(drawing) and guessing words. It speeds up the gameplay. And if a player who has his turn to draw does nothing for 5 seconds, then he will be disconnected from the room. Therefore, there is no time to brake here, play and win!