In the mini-game "Kings Rush", you will play as a little king.
Once a huge feast was thrown at the palace.
Almost the whole kingdom was invited.
But the king was bored with these pretentious feasts a long time ago, he sat and watched at the guests impassively.
Suddenly, a postal dragon flew into the room and gave the king a letter.
The envelope contained an invitation to a paradise island.
The King was delighted and immediately set out on the way.
But all the trouble It was that the island could only be reached only by crossing the kingdom of his worst enemy.
But that didn’t scare the King and he set off with a good cannon.
In the game "Kings Rush", you will rush forward and simultaneously shoot at everyone who will block your path.
For each trip you will receive gold coins that can be spent on improving the Kings cannon and other characteristics.
The faster you pump your car, the farther you can get.
On the way you will occur various obstacles, monsters and of course enemy warriors that will be waiting for you.
Take your arms and rush forward without slowing down.
Good luck!